Salon Video Marketing Ideas to Get More Appointments

black pen beside white ceramic plate

You’ve probably heard the saying that “a picture is worth a thousand words,” but in the world of salon marketing, a video could be worth a thousand bookings. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, video content has emerged as one of the most powerful tools in a salon’s marketing arsenal. Whether you’re showcasing your stylists’ expertise, […]

Tahapan Proses Pasca Produksi Film

turned on LG flat screen monitor

Pasca produksi atau post production adalah tahap akhir yang krusial dalam proses pembuatan film. Tahap ini dimulai setelah kita menyelesaikan pra-produksi dan produksi . Tanpa tahap ini, kita hanya punya rekaman mentah yang belum tentu bisa menyampaikan cerita dengan baik . Di tahap pasca produksi, kita mengolah video mentah hasil syuting supaya bisa menceritakan kisah […]

Best Free Resources to Learn Video Production (Updated 2024)

a laptop computer sitting on top of a table opening a video editing software.

Breaking into video production doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, the best resource to learn video production for free is YouTube—it’s like a treasure trove of tutorials, tips, and tricks from industry professionals. Channels like Film Riot, Peter McKinnon, and Indy Mogul can take you from zero to hero with just a few clicks. […]

How Much Can You Make Doing Video Production?

man in black t-shirt holding black umbrella

If you’re eyeing a career in video production, a pressing question you might have is, “How much does doing video production pay?” Understanding the potential income can help you decide if this creative and dynamic field is right for you. In this article, we’ll explore the earnings you can expect as a video producer in […]

Ultimate Guide: How to Hire a Model in Bali and Become a Successful Model in Bali

woman standing on the shore

Bali is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture, making it a sought-after destination for photoshoots, commercials, and fashion shows. This guide will provide comprehensive insights on how to hire a model in Bali and how to embark on a modeling career in this paradise. Whether you’re looking for professional models or aspiring to […]

Freelance, Agency, or Production House for Video Production in 2024?

a group of people standing around a camera set up

When planning your next video project, one big question is likely on your mind: should you go with a freelancer, an agency, or a production house? Each option comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks, making the decision a bit tricky. Are you looking for a budget-friendly solution, or is top-notch quality your […]

Essential Tips for Bringing and Flying Your Drone in Bali

Futuristic drone flying over scenic landscape of Bali.

  Are you planning to bring your drone to Bali for your next vacation? It’s an excellent idea! Bali’s stunning landscapes and scenic beauty make it a photographer’s paradise, and capturing these moments with a drone will take your photography skills to new heights. However, before you take off, there are a few essential tips […]

Video Content Marketing: The Ultimate Guide for 2024 and Beyond

A futuristic landscape depicting an advanced video content marketing concept. In the foreground, a sleek, modern digital interface floats in the air

Video content marketing has become an integral part of digital advertising strategies for brands worldwide. From captivating commercials to engaging social media posts, videos have taken over our screens and captured our attention. But what exactly is video content marketing, and why is it so important? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the ins […]

The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Video Advertising

a camera set up in front of a brick wall

In an era where every scroll, click, and swipe is dominated by dynamic and engaging content, video advertising stands out as the frontrunner in capturing audience attention and driving impactful marketing messages. This medium has transformed dramatically, evolving from simple TV commercials to sophisticated digital campaigns that leverage the latest technology and consumer insights to […]

Video Call To Action Example That Would Get Instant Click

man sitting on chair in front of condenser microphone doing video call to action

CTA or ‘Call-to-Action’ can be one of the effective ways to support high conversion especially if it is a video Call To Action. With it, you can encourage your audience to take action on your business video. There are various types of CTA videos, be it calls to subscribe, share videos, buy products, and so […]