a laptop computer sitting on top of a table opening a video editing software.

Best Free Resources to Learn Video Production (Updated 2024)


Breaking into video production doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, the best resource to learn video production for free is YouTube—it’s like a treasure trove of tutorials, tips, and tricks from industry professionals. Channels like Film Riot, Peter McKinnon, and Indy Mogul can take you from zero to hero with just a few clicks. But don’t stop there; there are plenty of other free resources that can help you polish your skills and start creating content that shines.

So, let’s dive into a step-by-step guide to mastering video production without spending a dime.

1. Start with the Basics of Video Production

Peter McKinnon a famous video production learning channel.

  • YouTube Channels: The first step to learning video production is to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals. YouTube is a treasure trove of free resources, and several channels offer high-quality tutorials:
    • Film Riot: This channel offers practical tips and techniques for aspiring filmmakers, including tutorials on lighting, camera setups, and DIY filmmaking hacks.
    • Peter McKinnon: Known for his engaging content, Peter McKinnon covers a wide range of topics, from basic camera skills to editing techniques and creative storytelling.
    • Gerald Undone: For more technical insights, Gerald Undone dives deep into gear reviews, camera settings, and editing software, making complex topics accessible.
  • What to Focus On: Start with videos that cover basic concepts like framing, shot composition, and storytelling. Understanding these basics will provide a strong foundation as you move forward.


2. Learn Video Editing with a Purpose

a laptop computer sitting on top of a table opening a video editing software.

  • Practical Tutorials: Instead of spending hours on generic software tutorials, focus on practical editing techniques that you can immediately apply:
    • Match Cut Tutorials: A match cut is a seamless transition between two shots that are similar in action or composition. Learning how to execute this can significantly improve the flow of your videos. You can find specific tutorials on YouTube or platforms like Vimeo Video School that walk you through this technique.
    • Creative Editing Techniques: Look for resources that teach creative editing, like color grading or adding special effects, which are crucial skills in making your videos stand out. Adobe’s Creative Cloud Tutorials offer free lessons on these topics.
  • Resource Recommendation: Shotcut, a free, open-source video editor, provides tutorials that focus on practical editing techniques. Its user-friendly interface and community support make it a great starting point for beginners.


3. Practice with Free, Professional-Grade Editing Software

a computer screen with a picture of a person on it

  • DaVinci Resolve: Once you’ve grasped basic editing concepts, it’s time to practice using more advanced software. DaVinci Resolve is a powerful, free editing software used by professionals. It’s particularly known for its color grading capabilities, but it also offers robust editing tools.
  • Learning Resources: Blackmagic Design’s official training offers free tutorials that cover everything from basic edits to advanced color correction. Additionally, YouTube channels like Casey Faris and Learn DaVinci Resolveoffer step-by-step tutorials tailored for beginners.
  • What to Focus On: Start by learning how to import media, create a timeline, and perform basic edits. As you progress, experiment with more advanced features like color grading, effects, and transitions.


4. Deepen Your Understanding with Structured Learning

  • LinkedIn Learning and Skillshare: While many courses on these platforms are paid, they often offer free trials or specific free courses that can be incredibly valuable. For example, LinkedIn Learning offers a free course on Video Color Correction, which is essential for giving your videos a professional look.
  • Interactive Learning: Look for courses that offer hands-on projects, which can be more effective than passive learning. Skillshare, for example, provides project-based courses where you can learn by doing, such as creating your own short film or commercial. They offer a free trial, so you can access these resources without any initial cost.
  • What to Focus On: Prioritize courses that include real-world projects, peer feedback, and portfolio development. This will not only improve your skills but also give you material to showcase to potential clients or employers.


5. Engage with Online Communities and Practice

  • Reddit Communities: Platforms like Reddit have active communities where aspiring video producers share tips, ask questions, and provide feedback. Subreddits like r/Filmmakers and r/VideoEditing are excellent places to learn from others’ experiences and get feedback on your work.
  • Practice Projects: Start by working on small projects, such as creating short films, commercials, or music videos. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you will become.


Start Learning Video Production Now

Learning video production for free in 2024 is entirely achievable with the right resources and a structured approach. Start by mastering the basics through YouTube tutorials, then move on to practical editing techniques. Practice using professional-grade software like DaVinci Resolve, and deepen your understanding through structured online courses. By engaging with online communities and consistently practicing, you can build a solid foundation in video production.

Picture of Ryan Syach

Ryan Syach

Executive Producer at SNXP Studio

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