a computer keyboard sitting on top of a purple ribbon

Ultimate Video Sales Letter Guide: Essential Checklist for Success


More people are interested in video content than written content alone. Because of this, more and more businesses are utilizing video sales letters or VSLs as their main tool to support their marketing needs. In this article, we will discuss the essential checklist for your video sales letter success.

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What is VSL?

a computer keyboard sitting on top of a purple ribbon

Now you will learn how a video can support your sales performance. But before we go any further, you need to know what a VSL is. It’s a sales letter but in video format. This version of the sales letter is a favorite of many marketers because it can help their sales activities.

VSL is more about finding out the problems and providing a product presentation as the right answer to those problems. By using video in a marketing campaign, it can be a straightforward approach while being more engaging.

With a video sales letter funnel, you can do persuasive sales that provide engaging storytelling and build trust for the brand. VSL can also have a good impact on brand recognition, which in turn can have a good effect on conversion rates.

The interesting thing about VSL is its versatility. Use VSL to sell whatever your product is. VSL is also about subscriptions, nurturing leads, and clicks. You can try launching your newly released products with the help of video sales letter.

How Does VSL Work To Increase Conversions?

group of people clapping hands

Many of you may already know that more people are interested in videos than regular content such as written content. Getting attention will be easier with this video approach and you can show the product to viewers more thoroughly.

They can see the features of your product and understand the benefits of using it to solve their problems. To bolster your brand’s credibility, you can suggest VSL.

Video content can create a more optimal emotional connection with viewers. In VSL, there are elements of facial expression, background audio, voice tone, and other elements that can affect the audience emotionally.

Another factor that makes video sales letter attractive is that you don’t have to spend too much money on it. It is still possible for you to record videos using a smartphone. Then you can edit your video using a video editing platform, keeping it affordable but with high quality. Using VSL can increase your chances of getting viewer attention to your product and it is a promising low-cost solution.

Essential Checklist For Successful VSL

person writing on a book

One of the main goals of VSL is to make a brand stand out, but each brand can use VSL in a very different way. Although the use of VSL can vary, certain essential elements can drive success for VSL consistently, here are some of them:

1. Create An Intro That Is Compelling Enough

To grab attention faster and optimally, you must create a compelling headline. Stating both the problem and the advantages of your product to solve the problem starts from the intro section. Make it as clear as possible from the beginning so that viewers can be interested and they will be motivated to keep watching the video until the end.

2. Keep Your Message Concise But Clear

Clear message is important in video sales letter, clear yet concise message will make the audience easier to understand what is in your video and understand clearly how your product works. You can get the focus of the purchase call from their pain points because you offer a solution that is easy to understand with a clear enough description.

If your message is unclear or even made up, the audience may doubt their steps to learn more about your product.

3. Promising CTA That Invites

Summarize the benefits of your product and convince them that they can get those benefits. Don’t forget to guide them on what to do next. You can prepare verbs that can optimally encourage viewers to act according to your wishes.

To support this need, you can embed urgency in your CTA so that the audience does not think twice about immediately doing the next step.

4. Make It As High-Quality As Possible

In using visuals, you have to make it as good as possible. Use visuals that are not only high-quality but also relevant to make your brand more professional. Enhance the visuals with audio that can synchronize well so that the audience is more interested.

5. Prepare Promising Testimonials

Social proof is another important element that you need to pay attention to. Create stories about satisfactory usage so that your brand can gain credibility. Providing experiential proof can remove the audience’s doubts about using your product.

You can share endorsements, and customer reviews to several social media platforms because many people use these platforms. With this approach, you can have more credibility.

6. Conclusion, VSL Essential Checklist

Everyone can try to make a VSL, a sales video doesn’t have to be of amazing quality. You can make a simple video sales letter example as long as you include everything we’ve given above in your video. From the previous discussion, we can summarize some essential checklists for a high-quality VSL.

First, make sure the beginning of the video has a solid hook so that viewers can have strong enough attention. You must show the main point of the audience’s problem at the beginning of the content flow Also, showcase a product that has a use relevant to the audience’s problem and explain why your product is the best choice.

Don’t forget to make it as concise as possible and easy for the audience to understand. Also, make sure to embed the CTA at the end, make it clear enough. To make it more engaging, take a professional approach to visuals and audio.

So, that’s the discussion this time about video sales letter. A video display is very promising marketing content with a function that is very relevant to the interests of many people today. To create a VSL, you must determine your main goal and target audience, and create a video sales letter script first.

Also, prepare the core message that you want to convey with this video sales letter content. Using a smartphone is possible, but you better prepare the best camera with equipment that can support it well.

Picture of Ryan Syach

Ryan Syach

Executive Producer at SNXP Studio

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