Video File Size Calculator

With our easy-to-use video file size calculator, you can quickly estimate how much storage your videos will need based on their resolution, bit rate, and format.

Video File Size Calculator

Video File Size Calculator: Key Components

a computer screen showing a man sitting in a chair

Understanding Video File Size

Video file size is determined by several factors, including the length of the video, resolution, frame rate, bit rate, and the codec used for compression. By understanding these elements, you can accurately estimate or calculate the file size of any video.

Resolution and Its Impact on File Size

Resolution refers to the number of pixels displayed in each dimension (e.g., 1920×1080 for Full HD). Higher resolution means more data, which translates to larger file sizes.

Frame Rate: How it Affects File Size

Frame rate, measured in frames per second (fps), determines how many frames are shown per second of video. Higher frame rates create smoother motion but also increase the file size.

Bit Rate: The Key Determinant of Video File Size

Bit rate is the amount of data processed per second of video, typically measured in kilobits per second (kbps) or megabits per second (Mbps). Higher bit rates generally result in higher quality but also larger files.

Codec: Balancing Quality and File Size

A codec is used to compress and decompress video files. Common codecs include H.264, H.265, and VP9. Each codec offers a different balance between compression (and thus file size) and quality.

Estimated Video File Size Tables

Here are some estimated file sizes for common video settings:

ResolutionFrame RateBit RateLengthEstimated File Size
1080p30fps5Mbps1 min37.5 MB
1080p60fps10Mbps1 min75 MB
4K30fps20Mbps1 min150 MB
4K60fps40Mbps1 min300 MB

Example Calculations

  1. 1080p at 30fps, 5Mbps for 10 minutes:

    • Calculation: (5Mbps x 60 seconds x 10 minutes) / 8 (to convert to bytes) = 3750MB or approximately 3.75GB
  2. 4K at 60fps, 40Mbps for 5 minutes:

    • Calculation: (40Mbps x 60 seconds x 5 minutes) / 8 = 15000MB or 15GB

Factors Affecting Video File Size Beyond Basic Calculations

A Man Sitting on Front of the Computer while Editing Video

Compression Techniques
Advanced compression techniques used by codecs like H.265 (HEVC) can significantly reduce file size while maintaining quality. Understanding how compression works can help in making better decisions when encoding videos.

Variable Bit Rate (VBR) vs. Constant Bit Rate (CBR)
VBR allows the bit rate to vary depending on the video’s complexity, which can lead to smaller file sizes compared to CBR, which uses a fixed bit rate throughout the video.

Audio Settings and Their Impact
Audio settings such as sample rate, bit rate, and channels (e.g., stereo, 5.1 surround sound) also contribute to the overall file size, though to a lesser extent than video settings.

Video Length
The duration of the video directly impacts its file size. Longer videos will naturally require more storage space, even at lower bit rates or resolutions.


How do I calculate the file size of a video?

To calculate the file size, multiply the bit rate by the duration of the video and then divide by 8 to convert from bits to bytes. Use the formula: File Size = (Bit Rate * Duration) / 8.

What is a typical file size for a 1080p video?

A typical 1080p video at 30fps with a bit rate of 5Mbps will have a file size of around 37.5 MB per minute.

Does increasing resolution always increase file size?

Yes, higher resolution generally increases file size because more pixels require more data to be processed.

How does frame rate affect video file size?

Higher frame rates mean more frames per second, which increases the amount of data being processed and stored, leading to larger file sizes.

What is the most efficient codec for reducing file size?

H.265 (HEVC) is one of the most efficient codecs for reducing file size while maintaining quality, offering about 50% better compression than H.264.

Can audio settings significantly impact video file size?

While audio settings do contribute to file size, their impact is typically less significant compared to video settings. However, high bit rate or multi-channel audio can still increase overall file size.